Watch and Download Movie Aftermath (2017)

Aftermath (2017)



Download and Watch Full Movie Aftermath (2017)
Director : Elliott Lester.
Cast : Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maggie Grace, Kevin Zegers, Hannah Ware, Scoot McNairy.
Genre : Drama, Thriller.
Duration : 1 hours 32 minutes
Synopsis :
‘Aftermath’ is a movie genre Drama, was released in April 6, 2017. Elliott Lester was directed this movie and starring by Arnold Schwarzenegger. This movie tell story about A fatal plane crash changes the lives of Roman and Jake forever. Roman loses his wife and daughter in the accident, while Jake, his mind as he happens to be the air traffic controller, who fails to avert the nightmare. Rage and revenge engulfs Roman and Jake finds himself swamped with guilt and regret. Can the two make peace with the past?
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