Watch Full Movie Online Voice from the Stone (2017)

Voice from the Stone (2017)



Streaming Full Movie Voice from the Stone (2017)
Director : Eric D. Howell.
Cast : Emilia Clarke, Marton Csokas, Caterina Murino, Kate Linder, Lisa Gastoni.
Genre : Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller.
Duration : 1 hours 34 minutes
Synopsis :
‘Voice from the Stone’ is a movie genre Drama, was released in April 28, 2017. Eric D. Howell was directed this movie and starring by Emilia Clarke. This movie tell story about Set in 1950s Tuscany, Voice from the Stone is the haunting and suspenseful story of Verena, a solemn nurse drawn to aid a young boy who has fallen silent since the sudden passing of his mother.
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